 Described as an “authentically raw” and “spellbindingly persuasive” speaker, Jacinta shares her journey and its lessons in a series of engaging presentations.
 Jacinta McDonell is a catalyst for personal growth and a guide for individuals seeking to live a more authentic, purpose-driven life.
Jacinta launched the US franchise, Anytime Fitness, into the Australian market in 2008, growing it to become Australia's number one health club chain before exiting the business in 2017.
She speaks about this journey, the lesson’s and the key areas of leadership that we can embody.

Speaking themes and topics include:
The Leaders’ Toolkit:Â
Learning the traits you need and how to develop your unique leadership style.
Cultivating self-awareness and clarity:
Understanding your purpose and navigating challenges in the face of adversity.
A Leader’s Mindset:
Staying aligned to your mission, evolving and learning to level-up as a leader.
It’s my mission to help you cultivate self-awareness and clarity, break free from limiting constraints, and embrace your unique path towards fulfilment and authenticity.

Effective leadership is not just about having the skills to build a business or career and experience external success. It’s about being aligned to your mission and living life as a purpose-driven individual.